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Engineering and advanced ceramics

Why is engineering the key factor for your success?

Der Begriff Engineering bezeichnet ein bestimmtes Arbeitsgebiet indem ein Produkt entwickelt wird. Der Begriff ist sehr weitläufig und ist als Oberbegriff zu verstehen. Die Untergruppierungen können in allen Arbeitsgebiete und Industrien vorkommen
Technische Keramik Engineering

How is the term engineering to be understood?

The term engineering refers to a specific field of work in which a product is developed. The term is very broad and is to be understood as a generic term. The subgroups can occur in all fields of work and industries. As an example, these are industrial engineering, electrical engineering, process engineering and system engineering. It is always about idea generation, construction, planning, project planning, implementation, improvement and optimization of service production processes. In the broadest sense, it is about engineering methods to achieve customer requirements.

Activities of an engineer in technical ceramics

The engineer in technical ceramics is the control center and key factor in product development. He or she supports the entire process from conception, production in the plant and up to customer support. As an engineer in technical ceramics, you are responsible for ensuring that all requirements are met through to market launch. In addition, the engineer is responsible for the economic viability of a product and for achieving the required financial targets.

Work steps of an engineer in the advanced ceramics industry

Der Ingenieur in der technischen Keramik hat eine zentrale Rolle in der Realisierung neuer Produkte und wird als Schlüsselfaktor angesehen. Dabei sind die Aufgaben sehr vielfältig und detailliert in der Anwendung.
Technische Keramik Key

The engineer in advanced ceramics has a central role in the realization of new products and is considered a key factor.

Thereby the tasks are very diverse and detailed in the application.

  • He must know the manufacturing processes of technical ceramics from raw material and powder extraction, mass preparation, engineering, shaping, ablative shaping, sintering and quality engineering in detail.

  • The engineer in technical ceramics must have in-depth knowledge in technical ceramics materials such as zirconia, alumina, silicon nitride and silicon card, and always follow the news and trends of ceramics development.

  • The engineer in technical ceramics must have very good design knowledge and always create the customer's ideas and requirements into a design component. In doing so, he must follow the design rule of technical ceramics. Sometimes geometry calculation must also be done by FEM analysis, and this is also one of the engineer's tasks. In general, ceramics have different mechanical, chemical, electrical and optical properties than metals. This results in desirable properties, but also in properties that are generally considered to be a hindrance to component design.

  • The engineer must be familiar with all molding processes, such as dry pressing, isostatic pressing, extrusion, ceramic injection molding, and 3D ceramic printing, and have an excellent command of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Project management in advanced ceramics

Der Ingenieur in technische Keramik unterscheidet dabei in drei wesentliche Arbeitsprozesse. Im ersten Block ist der Anforderungsprozess, dann der Umsetzungsprozess und als dritter Arbeitsblock ist der Qualitätsprozess. Im Anforderungsprozess werden die Kundenwünsche in technischer, zeitlicher, qualitativer und preislicher Sicht aufgenommen und Projektplan eingegliedert.
Ingenieur in technische Keramik

The engineer in technical ceramics distinguishes three essential work processes.

In the first block is the requirement process, then the implementation process and as the third work block is the quality process.

In the requirements process, the customer's wishes are recorded from the technical, time, quality and price points of view, and the project plan is incorporated.

All these points must be worked out in great detail, because this is where the success of an engineer will be measured. You should not start a project without having completed all the points. If any information is missing, it must be noted and communicated to the customer. The more detailed this process is, the more efficient and successful the project will be. However, two important additional factors must not be ignored. The market volume and the sales volume as well as the market price must be known. Because without knowing these, an engineer will make a mistake in technical ceramics in the project planning and will end up facing facts that he has neglected his research work. Therefore, it is important for us to have a detailed discussion with each customer about the ideas and goals.

In the implementation phase the elaborated requirements are put into practice. We distinguish here in three phases, namely the prototype phase, the pre-series phase and the series phase. A project is always led through these three phases, because during the development the smallest details are discussed again and adapted if necessary.

  • In the prototype phase it is decided whether the function is guaranteed and whether the chosen design still needs to be adapted.

  • In the pre-series phase, other factors such as the manufacturing process are simulated, on which the series production is carried out and the resulting prices, quality and delivery times are recorded.

  • In series production, a clear and structured process plan is followed in order to repeat the values achieved in pre-series production. Here, an important role is played by the automation of production and the subsequent processes of ablation such as grinding, polishing, lapping, hard milling and much more. Part of the manufacturing chain is the quality assurance of the manufactured parts. All parts should be randomly measured in technical ceramics after each process. In the final inspection, there should be an increased measurement of the parts to make sure there are no rejects in them. However, it is important to note that "Plan-Do-Check-Act" quality assurance should be performed across all processes.

Development process and the manufacturing process in detail

Experience shows that the engineer in technical ceramics must be familiar with all procedures and manufacturing processes and know the needs of the customer very well. Depending on the project, he decides how deep he wants to go into the details of the individual areas.
Production process of advanced ceramics

Experience shows that the engineer in technical ceramics must be familiar with all procedures and manufacturing processes and know the needs of the customer very well. Depending on the project, he decides how deep he wants to go into the details of each area. However, the engineer in technical ceramics must ask himself about all the topics the questions of importance to the project, so that nothing is forgotten. Some developments and projects require less effort and others need a high level of detail.

Why is BSQ TECH GmbH as an engineering company better than the competition in technical ceramics?

  • We always offer them intelligent solutions, using the latest manufacturing processes of technical ceramics, because we are independent of suppliers and aim only at the customers' targets.

  • We offer them our partnership for long-term projects.

  • Due to the many possibilities of technical ceramics, we offer you our engineering knowledge for the improvement and cost optimized production of your products.

  • If you want to have your existing technical ceramics products re-evaluated and the manufacturing costs reduced, we can support you with our know-how.

  • We can always provide you with a quotation based on your desired quantity, price and quality.

  • We are able to increase the lifetime of your products, then the technical ceramics offers excellent solutions, which we can produce for you at any time.

  • If you want to achieve a general overhaul and improvement of your products, improving the performance, then we can be of great help to you.

Material development in advanced ceramics

The secret of Swissceramill is the kermaic material that we have developed and with which we can produce the special milling tools for aluminum machining and other materials.
Ceramic end mills for very long tool life

Our task is to use the best materials for the technical applications of our customers. However, if the properties of the technical ceramics cannot meet these requirements, we are able to start our own development in cooperation with material institutes, feedstock manufacturers and testing institutes in Europe and Switzerland.

Features of Swissceramill ceramic end mills

Swissceramill ceramic end mills are unique in the world and only available from us.

The secret of Swissceramill is the ceramic material that we have developed and with which we can produce the special milling tools for aluminum machining and other materials.

For more information on this world first, please visit our website or follow the latest developments and reports on our blog.

Engineering in technical ceramics with BSQ Tech Ltd.

The engineer in technical ceramics is the key factor to achieve the desired goals for any product. Only an engineer in technical ceramics has the skills to respond to and achieve the technical and economic ideas and wishes of the customer.

As an experienced engineer in technical ceramics, in the production and development of high performance and industrial ceramics, BSQ Tech GmbH is at your side from the first idea to the finished product.

Contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

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